These shade tolerant bushes produce an abundance of nutrient packed berries that are especially high in vitamin C. Though many enjoy them fresh, black currants have very distinctive flavour that is definitely for an acquired taste but they make the most delicious jams.
Aside from its fruits, currant leaves are commonly dried and used in teas. Young leaves are used in the Finnish summer drink known as ‘Louhisaari’. Currant leaves are tasty and can be steeped in a warm liquid to release a definitive currant-like flavor. This makes them useful as a flavoring agent for jellies and ice creams.
Here are some of the other reported health benefits:
Currants are multifaceted in their benefits, from anti-inflammation to weight loss, improving eyesight, promoting brain health, slowing down blood clotting, helping asthma patients, preventing glaucoma just to name a few
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