It may be easy to shop at stores like Whole Foods, Food Basic or Metro. However, these stores lack many essential points which a local farmer can offer you.
10 reasons why we should support our local farmers:
- Natural Flavors- The produce you buy at farmer’s markets is about as fresh and as tasty as it gets. From the field they were grown into you is by far as real and as fresh as it is.
- Seasonal Finds- Produce varies based off of the season, these markets allow you to get in touch with the season and taste the very best of your local farmers. As you look forward to asparagus in spring, sweet corn in summer, or pumpkins in autumn, you get in touch with the Earth’s offerings.
- It’s Good For The Environment- Many people bring their own bags to carry around their purchases, unlike larger food stores which happen to be main contributors of pollution due to all the extra unnecessary packaging.
- A Local Investment- Ultimately you are giving back to your local farms. By investing in farmers markets you are also allowing the farmer’s to support their families during today’s globalized economy.
- It’s Good For Your Health- Larger groceries sell foods that are highly processed and endure unhealthy modifications. Unlike food sold there, your organic local farm sells food that has been not been tinkered with harmful processing and chemical additives. Most produce is picked fresh right before if not the morning of your market.
- Knowing Where The Food Is Coming From- Farmer’s markets are unique, you are able to directly connect with the farmers and food artisans who can tell you more about how the food is produced.
- It’s Full Of Tips- Farmers, ranchers and artisans at the farmers market are often passionate cooks with plenty of free advice about how to cook the foods they are selling.
- Variety and Rare Crops- At your local farm you may find an amazing array of produce that you don’t see in your average supermarket. It’s fun to see all the produce our earth has to offer us.
- Food Observation and Security- You will know where your food is coming from, how it is grown and can go back to your farmer friend any time.
- Community- Visiting your local farmer is not just about buying food but rather pleasure of meeting like minded folks. Your local farm is a community, it is an outlet to meet up with your friends, bring your children and enjoy the great outdoors of your very own neighbourhood.
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